So if you want to save flashvideos from certain websites, you can use this little script. Flash saves all his files in /tmp but deletes them instantly from the filesystem. No file is just deleted immediate from the disk while the application, which creates the file, is running. The file is still accessible through procfs. This script actualy just search for the flashplayer and copies the open file from procfs to your home directory.
A little shell magic and every open flashvideo in any browser is saved to your disk:
FPID=`/usr/bin/pgrep -f` DATE=`date +%d%m%y` VDIR="$HOME/video" rc=1 count=1 while [ $rc -eq 1 ] do mkdir $HOME/video/$DATE rc=$? if [ $rc -eq 1 ] then mkdir $VDIR/$DATE-$count rc=$? let count=count+1 fi done CDIR=$VDIR/`ls -tr $HOME/video/|tail -1` for FD in `ls -l /proc/$FPID/fd/|grep deleted|awk '{print $9}'` do cat /proc/$FPID/fd/$FD > $CDIR/$FD.flv done